For Immediate Release

CONTACT:           Tom Coughlin                                       CONTACT            Andy Marken

Coughlin Associates                                                           Marken Communications

(408) 978-8184                                                                       (408) 986-0100

[email protected]                           [email protected]




2015 Creative Storage Conference Preliminary Agenda


—Speaker Submission Deadline is April 22, 2015—


San Jose, CA, February 3, 2014—The 2015 Creative Storage Conference (SM) (CS 2015) is now taking submissions for presentations as well as sponsorships and exhibits.  The Ninth Annual Creative Storage Conference (SM) (CS 2015) will be held Tuesday June 30, 2015 at the DoubleTree Hotel West Los Angeles in Culver City, CA (   


The preliminary agenda includes two keynote talks as well as a full day of sessions and exhibits focusing on digital storage in professional media and entertainment.  Following is a list of the preliminary sessions:


     The Big Vision: Changing Needs and Sources for Production Storage

     Putting it Together: Storage Challenges and Opportunities in Post Production

     Laying it on the Line:  Storage Needs with 4K+ Content Delivery

     Protect and Serve:  Archiving, Preserving and Managing Media Content

     Accelerating Workflows:  Flash Memory in Media and Entertainment

     Professional Entertainment and Media Users Reveal their Digital Storage Needs and Desires


Presentations are now being solicited for the 2015 Creative Storage Conference (SM), until April 22, 2015.  You can submit speakers/panelists for this premier event at


This one day conference brings together influential digital storage providers, equipment and software manufacturers and professional media and entertainment end users in one place to explore the conference theme of “Exabytes for Video”.  At CS 2015 you can find out the latest developments in digital storage for media and entertainment and network with industry professionals.


Sponsorships and exhibits are available for the 2015 Creative Storage Conference (SM).  Several levels of conference, web site and event sponsorship are available as well as a table-top exhibits.  Information on the sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available at   


For additional information on the conference call 408-978-8184 or email [email protected]. The Creative Storage Conference (SM) is put on by the Entertainment Storage Alliance ( and Coughlin Associates (